Alex Hsain, a Scibridge volunteer, recently attended the 2016 Appalachian Energy Summit in which she won the undergraduate research poster competition and received the inaugural Energy Summit IMPACT Award.
Alex has recently joined Scibridge, and had this to say when asked about the organization. "The great thing about science is that it brings people together from all types of backgrounds in an effort to forge frontiers. We’re working for the cause of global diversity and global scientific collaboration,” To read more about Alex and her sustainability research endeavors, click here
As of August 15th, Scibridge became an official club at NC State University. Today, volunteers represented Scibridge at NC State's Campus Connections, a club fair in which students have the chance to see all the diverse ways they can be involved on campus. By the end of the event, over 40 people showed interest in the opportunity to further the Scibridge mission!
Click here to read the piece on Scibridge in the July MRS Bulletin
February 2023